Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tom Brokaw Town Hall

8:00: I didn't even check the time for this. 9e/8c seems to be a magical time. This "town hall" format appears interesting. This talking directly to the people thing should be right up Palin's alley.

8:07: McCain's just getting right into this guy's face. And I thought Obama got into his face.

8:08: Tom Brokawwwwwwwwww joins the discussion!

8:11: McCain's already touting his suspension of campaign to work on the bailout package.

8:13: McCain referred to the first questioner's name. Impressive.

8:16: Tom Brokaw is so cool

8:18: Wow this is a really negative questioner

8:24: The candidates are still confused that they are to answer 2 questions in a row then switch instead of after each question.

8:32: As is tradition here on Grazing Hitbox, Obama continues to wear his American flag pin, and McCain continues to not wear a pin.

8:45: McCain appears to be winning with his passionate tones. I guess he is good at town halls.

8:47: McCain is using a Sharpie. He was holding a sharpie last debate too. McCain endorses Sharpie.

8:50: All these poor folks asking well thought out hard questions that are getting dodged.

8:54: McCain slipped a plug for Arizona XD

9:00: All four corners of the Earth?

9:01: Obama is now very apparently getting pwned trying to defend himself while going overtime and not answering questions.

9:24: McCain isn't talking to his microphone. So again the microphone is just for show. Whyyy?

9:25: More profuse love for Israel going around

9:30 closing statements

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